martes, 21 de agosto de 2012

RV: FOR KIDS: DNA hints at ancient cousins

Fuente: Science News
Expuesto el: martes, 21 de agosto de 2012 13:53
Autor: Science News
Asunto: FOR KIDS: DNA hints at ancient cousins


Scientists find evidence of an extinct humanlike species within modern-day Africans

Web edition : 10:52 am

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The DNA of some modern-day Africans show signs that our distant ancestors may have mated with an unknown, humanlike species.Courtesy of Sarah Tishkoff

In a new study, scientists have found hints that some previously unknown ancestors of modern humans appear to have split off into a separate species more than a million years ago. Later, some modern humans appear to have mated with this sister species. Traces of that that sister species persist today in the DNA of some African people. The new findings have appeared in a scientific journal.

Visit the new Science News for Kids website and read the full story: DNA hints at ancient cousins

Found in: Science News For Kids

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